Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Meme: What Dewey Decimal Number are You?

Emily's Dewey Decimal Section:

078 Newspapers in Scandinavia

Emily's birthday: 9/5/1983 = 95+1983 = 2078

000 Computer Science, Information & General Works

Encyclopedias, magazines, journals and books with quotations.

What it says about you:
You are very informative and up to date. You're working on living in the here and now, not the past. You go through a lot of changes. When you make a decision you can be very sure of yourself, maybe even stubborn, but your friends appreciate your honesty and resolve.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

Monday, October 20, 2008

To do:

Make a manual of what to do if there was an issue and a request for preservation was issued.

PLI NOTES: Library Governance

310: No tax given to them
470: People vote to give money to library
710: People petitioned to give tax money to library

Do we have copyright law posted by the copy machine? We used to.

173.060 – Board must meet once a month.
173.040 – Missing four monthly meetings means automatic resignation.
173.040 – Library board is volunteer.
Trustee terms are 4 years each. People can serve two terms consecutively.
OMA – Board meetings must be open. Unless buying/selling land, discussing litigation, discussing appointment/discipline/dismissal of employee.
61.825 – Special meetings must abide by specific rules.
ORA – all records are open for inspection. NOT individual circ records. We can charge (up to .10 per page) to print out these records.

After being appointed/elected to public office in KY, you cannot fight a duel.

Fiscal Year July 1- June 30, by state law.
Boards have 5 members, also by state law. (Some with 7 have extenuating circumstances.)

Library board has one employee – the director.
Citizen visitors to board meetings do not have to identify themselves, unless they plan to speak.

Staff should not show up at the board meeting with a complaint, go through your director first please.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Hmmm.

Do you know your library's mission statement? “The Nelson County Public Library strives to anticipate and serve the changing needs of its growing community.” That's what is on our website, anyway.

Why don't we post our minutes on the webpage?

PLI NOTES: Library history

Library History

1638- Harvard Research Library founded. Oldest Library in the country.
Ben Franklin founded the first Lending library. Membership by subscription.
Library of congress begun to assist congress to create policy. Destroyed in 1812, Thomas Jefferson sold his personal collection to them to help rebuild.
Boston had the first public library in 1848.
“In a public library, men could at least share cultural opportunities on a basis of equality.” --Carnegie.
Seven Carnegie libraries still operating in KY. Four in Louisville.
Packhorse Librarians – Took books to Eastern KY by horseback, donated by Western KY patrons. Like early bookmobiles.
Trueviewers were distributed by libraries.
First bookmobiles were converted hearses and ambulances.
There are two KY counties with no library service. Carter & McLean. Why?
Now we are getting support from Bill and Melinda Gates, Laura Bush.
SELA Southeastern Library Association

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Beth Galloway is awesome, part 2

Etools for DND. Auto leveling, stats.

Teen Gaming interest group

Games: goals.
Second chances
Goals: winning, shiny things, levels

LEET on wikipedia.

Carol has never been to game night in a public library. How long has she been around?

Use games for readers advisory
Be a strategy guide - not a level boss
Embrace your inner techno geek
Embrace change!!
Immerse in pop culture

The adventures of Blue Avenger

Teen Tech Week March 2009
videogame (take with grain of salt?)

Handheld Program: cellphone clinic
PSP gamefest
DS party

Guitar Hero Tournament (red

Library wish list online?

Overdrive will be offering video games soon?

Offering games from one console, but allow donations from other consoles.

Helen McGraw gaming check out policy looks good. $35 cap, means no new games? Buy used games from gamestop? Promised to work. (Eli has made their leaderboard available for libraries.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MyFacebook and Beyond: Beth Galloway

web 2.0 – web as platform (sims onstage)
collective intelligence (wikispaces)
data driven (slideshare)
everything is in beta (meebo)
simple programming (facebook)
cross platform (twitter)
rich user experience

everything meant to be shared
everything is meant to be critiqued.
everything is meant to be remixed.

slideshow of teen pages. “This is my page” and why.
pimp your myspace
lecture/demo for parents?

author connections
biographical myspace
career mentoring
author connections


Monday, August 18, 2008

Book Rec: The Wednesday Wars

Schmidt, Gary D.
New York: Clarion, 2007.

Holling Hoodhood is pretty sure that his teacher hates his guts. Between trying to have eighth graders assassinate him at recess and forcing him to read Shakespeare during their Wednesday private lessons, Holling doesn't have much hope of surviving the seventh grade. But when Mrs. Baker's "plot" to bore Holling with Shakespeare fails, Holling discovers that maybe there is much more to himself than just being "The Boy Who Will Inheirit Hoodhood And Associates". Maybe Shakespeare (with a little help from Mrs. Baker) can help him survive seventh grade afterall.

(By the end of the book, I was so intensely proud of Holling, I cried. <3)

Friday, April 18, 2008

KPLA 2008 - Wireless Administraton

Minimum age limit?

We've never had bandwidth issues, but that's something to keep in mind.

Printing - internet printing?

WiFi FAQs?

Beware of offering assistance to patrons with laptops. Could blame you with other issues?

Portal capture software (captive portal software)

Extended warranty on patron laptops?

Library card in good standing

2hr limit.

Be consistent with the rules.

Wireless server access? Encrypted wireless.

Router plugs into cell card, to get internet for bookmobile.

KPLA 2008 - Web 2.0 in libraries.

Jessica Powell

Web 2.0 coined by Tim O'Reilly. Describes what happened to the web after the bust of 2000. Not a programming language or software, or anything like that.

Web 2.0 is constantly updating. reaches out to everybody. relies on viral marketing. (no more pop-ups!) The consumers themselves are talking about it! Harnessing the collective intelligence. the service gets better the more people who use it. user generated content is everything. Crowdsourcing. Giving the jobs to the common user. We work better as a group than one person. Web 2.0 is agile.

Blogging. I've never heard of this concept. ;)

The internet is now a conversation. Not static, one-way.

Emerging technologies:
dynamic websites - content changes constantly
permalinks - link will always direct you to that story. no matter if it's moved.
mashups - one persons free technology can be combined with someone elses free technology.
open source - companies willing to share their code with you.
digital video - there would be no youtube without cheap cell phone cameras.
google ad source - any person who is making an internet page can add a little text ad to their page to make money.

conversational media vs. packaged goods. connecting with peers.

User generated content
blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS, Digg, Fark, amazon, ebay yahoo, cnn, BBC,

Who controls it?
Rise of individualism, loss of national identity? greater participation?
creation of user gap?
Regulatory environment, beware the recording industry

Youtube, Myspace can be used for reference. Video how-tos on Youtube, music reference on Myspace.

Librarians as trend-spotters.
Let go a little.
Be open, be transparent.
The user is not broken!
Throw out the culture of perfect.
Paper is not king. Video and Sound, etc are perfect for reference.


I slept through the earthquake last night. I hope that's not an omen of things to come.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

KPLA 2008 - Wii would like to play

Ruthie Maslin & Kelly Dean

Why Wii? Highly interactive, easy to use, fairly inexpensive. Cutting edge.
Most games suitable for everyone.

Doesn't use weapons, just the sports types.

Exercize, hand-eye coordination, balance, range of motion, interactive, brain/memory stimulation. can be done with physical limitations, mobility issues.

inexpensive, portable, new audiences, multigenerational opportunities, new technology/information literacy, diversity of participants.

Nerf attachments for wiimotes. Tote bag.

Challenge: locating a system, convincing activity directors, convincing seniors how easy it really is.

Is gaming really a library program?

Where should programs be conducted?

Should gaming programs be intergenerational or should they be targeted to a specific age group?

Should libraries add games and consoles to their circulating systems?

Problem: Not accessible for people with eyesight issues.

KPLA 2008 - I just got PWNED @ the library!

Rich Haynes -- I think I've worked with Rish before. He's fun. :)

Just plugged my own talk. Go me! Rich is going to let us borrow his equpiment. W00+!!

Sony: Playstation Most of your patrons will not remember the first PS.
PS2. PS3. Newest of the systems to come out.

DDR Supernova 2
Guitar Hero

Nintendo: NES, Gamecube, Wii. NintendoPower magazine for cheats.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl/Melee
Mario Kart Double Dash

Microsoft: Xbox. Xbox360.

Halo II

Atari Emulator. Proloaded with games.

KPLA 2008 - Why Wiki in the Wiberry?

JC Morgan

Wiki as an intranet.
mediawiki - same as wikipedia.
Editable by anyone, if you can figure it out.

Locked down. Login required.
Navigation links on the sidebar. Helps give structure to the site.

Flag status: why is the flag half-mast?
Things you should know: news,interesting tidbits.

How do you get information to your staff? Communication aided with a wiki.

JC has a thing for the Terminator. The question is, which one?

Some things can be locked down to just the system admin. Lock down policies and board minutes.

---And he hates musicals. Tragic.

Fun stuff- staff movie picks reader's advisory.

Committee list w/ minutes.

Forms housed here.

"Once you understand how it's working...." Yeah, that's the problem.

Try wikiwig?

Watch pages to know when they are updated.

Creating your own little private "dungeon"... Until the party discovers it.

90% are readers. 9% edit and play 1% go in and play a lot.

Install on server - webserver (Internet information service) --
PHP software. MySQL -- MediaWiki

Approx. $400 for programmer labor.

KPLA 2008 - Pig Skulls meet the Queen

I have decided I don't want to go to the Server Administrator talk. Instead, I'm listening in on how to get guys into the library.

R. Michael Key:

Pig Skull Book club

Chess club

Whay are men and boys avoiding your library? Men less likely to read. Brain structure difference. Less ability to stay still. Need more stimulating activities.

Men's reading preferences are devalued. Sci-fi, fantasy, sports, humor, nonfiction.

Library programs are testosteronephobic? Not attractive to boys and men. Default to female friendly or fuzzy androgynous programs.

What do do?
Estrogen supplimets for males?
Brain Surgery?
Offer males free pizza?

Then force them to read Princess Diaries?!?

Library reading material and programming must interest males.

What do we do?
Brain surgery for females?
Testosterone suppliments for females?
Establish a DMPC (designated male person consultant).
Hire more male librarians. For every 80 female librarians, there are only 20 male.


develop a testosterone outlook.
ask yourself - will this interest males? Lather, rinse, repeat.

Michael Sullivan.

Pig-skull book club: Six father-son pairs read Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl. 3rd-4th graders.

Meets Sundays, 2-3PM.

Plot discussion
best and least favorite characters, moral questions, make a good movie. activities.
storytellrs, DVD (good conversations DVD) OPAC and Compass scavenger hunt. Campfire.

Typical turnout is three pairs.

No girls allowed.
Seargant at "arms" can make exceptions an "honorary guy".

"city of ember"
"wanderings of odysseus"
"rangers apprentice"
"the giver"
"pig scrolls"
"black potatoes" - nonfiction.

Stop program in June for summer vacation.

Book selection:
interesting to boys
humor, nonfiction.
Books should not be cute.
Cheap paperback ed. available.

No sissies, no girls allowed. GUY STUFF.

bookmark in club books announcing cllub meeting.

Newspapers: get to know your local reporters and make their jobs easy.
Word of mouth is important.
Notices to school, and school librarian.
Billboard? Wow.

Booklists, websites, other guys-only bookclubs.
Watch what they're checking out.
Ask the guys what they read.
Ask their moms.

Common themes:

good vs. evil
courage, honor,
measured use of violence to confront evil.
blood and gore.
knight-like characters.
boys or men as heroes.

supportive fathers
sometimes the activities don't go over well.
boys like reading series. but difficult.
moms are usually first contact. pass on word to dad.
enthusiastic boys do not equal recruits.

trying to: recruit nonreaders.
more school visits.
go to parents.
annual pig skull spooky campire kick off.
Working with summer reading to promote.

(I've currently had twenty people trip over my laptop cord. Oops.)

Chess Club

Over 50 members. 2nd and 4th Sunday 2-4 PM.

Not girls only. Partnership with a local chessplayer.

Other ideas:
Hunter education
video games
debate club
tanks, fighter jets,rifles, ancient weapons.
military influential battles, battle presentations.

outdoor adventure club
graphic novels

KPLA 2008 - The Public Library as the "Place to be"

Getting used to our super-tiny new laptop. Like, itty-bitty. Fun stuff!

Kelly Krieg-Sigman:
"In order to know who you are, you must know where you are." Wendell Berry.

3 places we are:
3. Public places on neutral ground where people can gather and interact in positive ways.

Heart of a community's social vitality
Foundation of a functioning democracy.

Move from Space to Place
S words negative, L words positive.
Common letters are PACE
playfulness - "people rarely suceed at anything unless they are having fun doing it."
"The opposite of work is not fun, it's depression." SHOULD-- how often do we use that? judgemental.
atmosphere - more than the physical space. The psychology of the place. Cluttered?
comfort - do high overdue fines detract from our enjoyability
environment - surroundings

Do we want to be "the place to be"?
Traditional views of libraries
Changing social environment. Library 2.0 is no good without other changes as well.
"Things are just fine in libraries the way they are." ??

Look at job descriptions. Are your employees "culturally literate"?

First break all the rules - best practices of managers

There might be some things, that you just can't change.

Attitude changes. Creating public value Change your ideas. Choose to be positive, not negative.

Energy and engagement.
Are you "in the moment" at work? Or a robot?

We are a neutral public space. No agenda. Not trying to sell you anything.

KPLA 2008 - Bowling Green

Here at the convention center, and Catherine and I are already sharing a brain. Fear us, folks.