Friday, January 12, 2007

Technology hype:

There's been a bit of a kerfluffle on one of the library blogs, discussing the problem of hype. The blogger mentioned how sometimes, we get so excited about something new, that others feel it's difficult to voice the problems they have with it.

So here's a hint: Don't get caught up in the hype. Don't be afraid to get excited either. New toys are always worth getting excited about. They make our lives easier, and make us better at what we do (or what we need to be doing). They allow us to do things we never thought of doing, and that makes them exciting. However, not everything is going to work for everyone. Try new things, and if it doesn't work out, put it aside. Don't be afraid to decide that something isn't for you. Don't feel pressured because "everyone else is using it". It isn't worth stressing over.

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