I have decided I don't want to go to the Server Administrator talk. Instead, I'm listening in on how to get guys into the library.
R. Michael Key:
Pig Skull Book club
Chess club
Whay are men and boys avoiding your library? Men less likely to read. Brain structure difference. Less ability to stay still. Need more stimulating activities.
Men's reading preferences are devalued. Sci-fi, fantasy, sports, humor, nonfiction.
Library programs are testosteronephobic? Not attractive to boys and men. Default to female friendly or fuzzy androgynous programs.
What do do?
Estrogen supplimets for males?
Brain Surgery?
Offer males free pizza?
Then force them to read Princess Diaries?!?
Library reading material and programming must interest males.
What do we do?
Brain surgery for females?
Testosterone suppliments for females?
Establish a DMPC (designated male person consultant).
Hire more male librarians. For every 80 female librarians, there are only 20 male.
develop a testosterone outlook.
ask yourself - will this interest males? Lather, rinse, repeat.
Michael Sullivan.
Pig-skull book club: Six father-son pairs read Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl. 3rd-4th graders.
Meets Sundays, 2-3PM.
Plot discussion
best and least favorite characters, moral questions, make a good movie. activities.
storytellrs, DVD (good conversations DVD) OPAC and Compass scavenger hunt. Campfire.
Typical turnout is three pairs.
No girls allowed.
Seargant at "arms" can make exceptions an "honorary guy".
"city of ember"
"wanderings of odysseus"
"rangers apprentice"
"the giver"
"pig scrolls"
"black potatoes" - nonfiction.
Stop program in June for summer vacation.
Book selection:
interesting to boys
humor, nonfiction.
Books should not be cute.
Cheap paperback ed. available.
No sissies, no girls allowed. GUY STUFF.
bookmark in club books announcing cllub meeting.
Newspapers: get to know your local reporters and make their jobs easy.
Word of mouth is important.
Notices to school, and school librarian.
Billboard? Wow.
Booklists, websites, other guys-only bookclubs.
Watch what they're checking out.
Ask the guys what they read.
Ask their moms.
Common themes:
good vs. evil
courage, honor,
measured use of violence to confront evil.
blood and gore.
knight-like characters.
boys or men as heroes.
supportive fathers
sometimes the activities don't go over well.
boys like reading series. but difficult.
moms are usually first contact. pass on word to dad.
enthusiastic boys do not equal recruits.
trying to: recruit nonreaders.
more school visits.
go to parents.
annual pig skull spooky campire kick off.
Working with summer reading to promote.
(I've currently had twenty people trip over my laptop cord. Oops.)
Chess Club
Over 50 members. 2nd and 4th Sunday 2-4 PM.
Not girls only. Partnership with a local chessplayer.
Other ideas:
Hunter education
video games
debate club
tanks, fighter jets,rifles, ancient weapons.
military influential battles, battle presentations.
outdoor adventure club
graphic novels