Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How to lose your new tech librarians/ tech training

How to lose your new tech librarians

Mmmm. Snark.

Tech Librarians are leaving the field more quickly, despite the "need" for them. This effects mentoring negatively.


Tech training.

E - engage : use real-world examples, stay relevant, highlight tips and tricks.
x - xenagogue : "a guide through a strange land",be available and accessible, encourage student independence.
p - play : encourage exploration, allow fun to happen, make exercises and discussions light-hearted.
e - explain : provide context for all topics, handouts
r - reward: reward right answers, participation, completion.
i - imagine : allow students to dream about what they could use this for.
m - mentor : treat students like adults be available for questions, pair students up, expect success from all.
e - empower : use the tool you are teaching about in class, emphasize that skills they are learning are transferable to other technologies.
n - new : there is -always- something new. old a class for the -entire- class on dealing with change.
t - time : enough time for student practice. enough time for questions. training should precede technology launch by weeks.

librarystream blog

learn to learn
adapt to change
scan the horizon.

Training is -not- optional. Learning is not optional. Don't let people wiggle out of it because they just don't want to.

"I didn't get an MLS to do this" - article. Professions do not stand still.

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